The former Israeli space boss’s unbelievable revelation about aliens

The Daily Mail on December 8 reported that an Israeli space program official confirmed that aliens are real and had secretly contacted the US and Israel. Professor…

Mysterious 5,500 year old ethnic relic at “Alien Mountain”

5m high rocks, engraved with mysterious drawings, are located deep in an uninhabited cave in Sri Lanka’s “Alien Mountain”, where UFOs are said to often appear. A…

What do 5 dangerous places blurred on Google Maps hide?

With modern technology, with just a computer connected to the Internet or a smartphone, you can “travel” anywhere in the world through the image modes of Google…

Discovery of alien material hidden next to the ∂єα∂ Sea

For the first time, something that could only belong to alien objects has been discovered in Earth’s own rocks, hidden in sediments not far from the shores…

Close-up of a crater more than 100 km wide on Mars

The European Space Agency’s (ESA) Mars Express probe has just conducted a survey flight of the more than 100 km wide Neukum Crater crater on Mars. The…

NASA reveals the mystery of the giant rain that lasted for 7 years on Saturn’s moon

Saturn’s moon Titan possesses many similarities to Earth and is a promised land for alien life. NASA has just announced the surprising results of the search for…

“Replica” of an alien world discovered beneath a 1,100 year old ancient town in Germany

An ancient town in Germany was accidentally built by humans on land with alien properties similar to the giant “life pit” Jezero on Mars. An international research…

Discovering traces of alien “∂єαтн” under the Pacific Ocean

A radioactive isotope not belonging to Earth was found in the deep-sea crust of the Pacific Ocean, evidence of an alien “cataclysm”. According to Science Alert, it…

Greenland ice buried 58 million year old alien attacker

Hidden under Greenland’s thick ice is a mysterious structure up to 31 km in diameter, related to an unknown alien object. According to Space, researchers from the…

The 3,300 year old pharaoh’s treasure is believed to be the product of aliens

The famous golden-handled dagger of pharaoh Tutankhamun was not made from Earthly materials, new analysis confirms. Research recently published in Meteoritics & Planetary Science shows that the…