Nhật Bản tìm thấy “một phần Trái Đất” trên thế giới ngoài hành tinh cổ đại - Ảnh 1.

Japan finds “part of Earth” on ancient alien world

Samples from “Dragon Palace” – the ancient asteroid visited by Japan’s Hayabusa 2 – have shed new light on the history of Earth and the entire solar…

NASA finds alien ruins at the bottom of Mars’ giant Jezero Crater

The “explorer” venturing into NASA’s alien world Perseverance has found an incredible “treasure of life.” New analysis from Imperial College London (ICL, part of the University of…

Alien “Fire Diem Mountain” reveals the possibility of Earth turning into hell

A perfect copy of Earth, born in the middle of the “zone of life”, with a temperate climate… has become hell with an atmosphere that is difficult…

Robot NASA có thể đã đào được hóa thạch sinh vật ngoài hành tinh - Ảnh 1.

NASA robots may have dug up alien fossils

The sedimentary rock sample that one of the two NASA robots on duty on Mars just dug up shows that it is identical to the “treasures of…

Tàu vũ trụ châu Âu tìm ra dòng sông của sinh vật ngoài hành tinh - Ảnh 1.

European spacecraft finds “river of alien creatures”

A vast river delta, once no different from existing river deltas on Earth and possibly filled with alien fossils, has been identified by the Mars Express. Mars…

American ships may have brought back “seeds” of alien life

The results of analyzing samples that the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft just dropped on Earth at the end of September have brought unexpected good news to the hunt for…

The race to find alien life on ‘Earth 2.0’

Recently, astronomers have been trying to decode the sudden increase in radio signals coming from the direction of a star similar to the Sun. This phenomenon raises…

Người đàn ông xây bãi đáp UFO theo lệnh người ngoài hành tinh - VnExpress

Discovering a giant “landing zone” of an alien object

The giant structure called Deniliquin buried beneath the southern Australian state of New South Wales may be the remains of the largest alien “attacker” Earth has ever…

Chùm hình ảnh kinh ngạc về miền sự sống ngoài hành tinh - Ảnh 1.

A series of amazing images of alien “life domains”

Images from the Mars Express spacecraft of an alien land called Mawrth Vallis raise hopes of finding fossils or even contemporary life. Mawrth Vallis is a valley…

Discovery of the first “alien visitor” to Earth is 3.48 billion years old

Mysterious fragments that do not belong to anything called Earth have been excavated from the Dessert Formation of the famous Pilbara Craton in Western Australia, which has…