The mysterious engineer was abducted by aliens after completing a homemade flying saucer

Granger Taylor has mysteriously disappeared. His case is considered one of the most mysterious missing persons cases in the world to this day.

Although it has been mentioned countless times, extraterrestrial life is still an unanswered question for science. There have been many projects built and evidence presented, but aliens are still just like creatures that exist in human imagination. However, Granger Taylor – a Canadian mechanical engineer – is one of many witnesses who claims to have met aliens. However, after the shocking announcement, he mysteriously disappeared for many years. Many people rumored that Granger had been abducted by aliens.

The engineer has telepathy with aliens

Granger was born and raised in Duncan, Vancouver Island, Canada. Although he left school early, thanks to his talent, when he was only 14 years old, Granger invented a car with a one-cylinder engine. However, among his countless inventions, special mention must be made of the famous flying saucer-shaped cabin at that time.

This cabin designed from a satellite dish was built by Granger right in the backyard of his parents’ house. In it, he also fully equipped wooden furniture, TV and dryer.

While the story of the extraterrestrial world has long remained a mystery without an exact answer, Granger affirmed that he regularly makes contact with aliens. Even distant extraterrestrial creatures promised to invite him to visit their world one day.

The mysterious disappearance of a talented engineer

And so on a stormy night in late November 1980, Granger disappeared, leaving his parents only a piece of paper with a few lines of writing. In the letter, Granger said he and the aliens were going to explore the universe on their ship. The trip will last about 42 months, and he will return as soon as he finishes his work. However, that was the last time Granger’s parents heard from him.

Not only was Granger alone, but the truck he often drove also disappeared around that time. The police spent 4 years searching but still found no trace of Granger or the car.

Suddenly in March 1986, forest workers accidentally found two broken human bones and car debris at the scene of an explosion at Prevost Mountain, near Granger’s parents’ house. Police began to suspect it might be Granger’s remains but they were still unable to make a final determination about the origin of the evidence.

Finally, for the past 30 years, the disappearance of the talented engineer Granger has remained a mystery to the community of scientists researching life in outer space as well as the whole world. Many people still believe that he may be a victim of alien abduction.

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