The ‘Black Knight’ satellite and the great mystery of humanity

In 1899, a scientist named Nikola Tesla captured the radio signal of an object flying in space. But it wasn’t until 50 years later that people began to pay attention to this “strange satellite” and gave it the nickname Black Knight.
It was not determined whose “Black Knight” was or who launched it. There was even a theory that it was sent by a civilization located thousands of light years away from us to… protect the earth!? Around this interesting discovery of black objects, there have been many thrilling stories, including humorous stories about military and intelligence during the Cold War.

According to American space scientists, the “Black Knight” sent out radio signals continuously for a period of 50 years before turning off. It is said to have been built a long time ago. Scientists from many countries around the world are interested in the “Black Knight”.

Cuộc đối đầu giữa “Hiệp sĩ Đen” và tàu vũ trụ của con người.

Among them was a Swedish amateur radio researcher who decoded a series of signals received from the “Black Knight” and interpreted it into a star system diagram similar to the Bootes star system. , including the famous pair of double stars Epsilon Bootis, formerly known separately as Izar and Pulcherrima, emitting red light, visible to the naked eye, located slanted towards the North Pole of the earth. From this star diagram, it is deduced that the Black Knight satellite most likely originates from the Epsilon Bootis binary star pair.

Vệ tinh 'Hiệp sĩ Đen' và bí ẩn cực lớn của nhân loại ảnh 1

Nikola Tesla is considered the first person to detect radio signals of the “Black Knight” in 1899.

According to many sources, the discovery of radio waves by the “Black Knight” existed long before it became an event of public concern. A man named Nikola Tesla is said to have been the first person to “cut” the radio signals of the “alien” satellite “Black Knight” in 1899 using a high-voltage radio wave detection device he built himself. design, located in Colorado Springs.

About 30 to 50 years after Tesla’s discovery, the “Black Knight” signal was discovered and decoded, as stated above, and the whole world began to pay attention to the “Black Knight”.

Stories about the “Black Knight” satellite began to appear in public around the mid-1950s, with two St. Louis Dispatch and The San Francisco Examiner first published articles about “alien satellites” in the May 14, 1954 issue.

Widespread information about the discovery of a strange satellite of unknown origin has made both the US and the Soviet Union – two Cold War rivals – especially concerned. While the Soviet Union silently monitored and learned about this mysterious satellite, the United States made moves that made the scientific community laugh and ridicule.

Bí ẩn không lời giải về 'siêu vệ tinh' của người ngoài trái đất

Firstly, the March 7, 1960 issue of Time Magazine reported the US signal capture: The Dark Fence radar system was located at Gila River, near Phoenix, Arizona, and Jordan Lake, Arizona. Alabama has been operating since August 1959, firing radio beams in a fan shape, with an amplitude of 400 km on each side.

On January 31, 1960, Dark Fence received a signal from a mysterious “black” object. The information was immediately confirmed, it was an “unidentified space object” (USO) that had been discovered many times before. Time Magazine continued to write that information about the discovery of a “Black Object” in space has created public confusion in the US, with speculation that it was a spy device launched by the Soviet Union, but the Americans were not. didn’t know what was going on.

Immediately, the Pentagon confidently announced that: “That object has been identified as a “junk” of the Discoverer satellite launched by the US Air Force and has been lost in space for a long time. “was discovered proving the effectiveness of the US space program”.

The irony is that, a long time ago, on August 23, 1954, the technology magazine Aviation Week and Space Technology published an article clearly stating that the Pentagon intentionally kept information secret for its own purposes. military.

This newspaper wrote: The Pentagon is afraid that observing this strange satellite will cause public opinion to discover its loopholes in observing and monitoring the sky, and moreover, the Pentagon is then afraid that it has surpassed by the Soviet Union in the field of space research.

Meanwhile, public interest in the “Black Knight” satellite increases every year. In 1957, Dr. Luis Corralos at the Venezuelan Ministry of Communications took pictures of the “Black Knight” as it flew over the sky of Caracas while he was taking pictures of the Sputnik I and Sputnik II satellites just launched by the Soviet Union.

Hiệp sĩ đen của người ngoài hành tinh theo dõi con người từ xưa

The strange thing is that the “Black Knight” orbits the earth but in the direction from east to west, against the direction of the earth’s rotation, while the Sputnik I and II satellites both fly in the direction of the earth’s rotation from West to East to maintain orbit. Another source also in 1957 said that a strange object was seen shadowing the Soviet spaceship Sputnik I.

The press reported: That strange object flew in the Polar orbit. At that time, neither the US nor the Soviet Union had the technology to fly spacecraft in the Polar orbit; It was not until 1960 that the first satellite was launched into Polar orbit.

Polar orbit is often used to study and map the earth, observe the earth, observe and record the passage of time on earth, and maintain reconnaissance satellites.

From here, “Black Knight” is classified as a “reconnaissance satellite”. The question is: Who launched the “Black Knight” into Polar orbit and for what purpose?

In the 60s of the twentieth century, “The Black Knight” continued to attract the attention of the global astronomy community. Around this time, the “Black Knight” was once again determined to be flying in Polar orbit. Scientists and astronomers estimate its mass to be about 10 tons, considered the heaviest satellite at that time.

According to observations of astronomers, the “Black Knight” has an unusual orbit, unlike all artificial satellites on earth; It flies in the opposite direction of the earth’s rotation and at a speed twice as high as any human-made spaceship.

On September 3, 1960, seven months after the Dark Fence radar system captured the signal of the “Black Knight”, a space detection camera of the Grumman Aircraft defense corporation located on Long Island captured the image. of “The Black Knight”. By that time, many people around the world were able to observe the “Black Knight” with the naked eye, with the red dot moving at a very high speed compared to human satellites.

In 1963, astronaut Gordon Cooper was sent into space. In orbit, Cooper spotted a green object moving toward his spacecraft capsule. Cooper reported on a tracking station in Muchea, Australia, while this station also observed strange objects flying from east to west.

NBC television reported on this incident, but when astronaut Cooper returned to Earth, NBC reporters were not allowed to approach him to ask more about what he saw. The only explanation is “an illusion caused by high concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2)”.

To this day, “The Black Knight” continues to be a topic of concern for many people around the world, but official information about it has been carefully kept by the authorities. Therefore, many decades-old questions remain unanswered, such as: Who launched the “Black Knight” into Polar orbit and for what purpose?

Is the “Black Knight” a product of aliens brought to earth to “study” humans? Did that satellite ever attempt to contact humans? Have we missed that communication? And an interesting question: Is there some connection between this mysterious object and the achievements of ancient humans?

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