Shocking encounters with aliens in history

Qin Shi Huang or Napoleon Bonaparte were once recorded to have encountered “strangers”.

Qin Shi Huang

In the 41st chapter of the book Ten Testaments from the reign of Qin Shi Huang in 259 – 210 BC, it is recorded: ” There was a strange tribe of people, whose bodies were like spirals, and when immersed in water, they did not sink.


The strange race is 2.3 meters tall and glows at night.

This tribe is up to 10 meters tall (about 2.3 m), the outside is covered with a layer like bird feathers. They have a special energy that glows at night. As long as they shake themselves slightly, many light sources will immediately come out from their bodies .

Also in this quote is written: “Qin Shi Huang treated this ethnic group very openly, the emperor even considered them as relatives. When asked who is that? Qin Shi Huang only answered one question: that is the gods .

The quote in the above book has caused a lot of controversy in China’s scientific community. Many people ask: So who is that strange tribe?


It was the aliens who were said to have helped Qin Shi Huang unify the world…

Many Chinese scientists and historians believe that this strange ethnic group helped Qin Shi Huang unify the world, build the Great Wall, build hydroelectric plants, and majestic mausoleums…

French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte was the talented emperor of France. Most historians believe that this emperor died of stomach cancer at the age of 51. However, archaeologists also discovered a strange object in the emperor’s skull, raising doubts. belongs to a space other than earth.


Portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte

The strange object discovered embedded in Napoleon’s skull resembled a small microchip, half an inch long. It was Dr. Andre Dubois who made this amazing discovery while studying Napoleon’s skull.

From the level of bone growth around the microchip, the expert believes that it was implanted in Napoleon’s head when he was young. Why is this microchip in the skull of the famous French emperor?


Tiny microchip discovered in the skull of the French emperor.


Close-up of the mysterious microchip in the French emperor’s skull the size of a grain of rice.

The era of Emperor Napoleon could not have advanced, modern inventions like the microchip. So what is the origin of this microchip?

Turning back to history, in 1794, when Napoleon was 25 years old, he went missing for a few days. After returning, he claimed to have been taken prisoner during the Thermidor uprising. However, there are no records of the arrest in history books. Maybe this was the time Napoleon had a microchip implanted in his body.

A hypothesis is raised: the emperor of France was abducted by a UFO


The suspicious relationship between Napoleon Bonaparte and aliens.

Since that mysterious disappearance, Napoleon’s career has skyrocketed. Just one year later, he was placed in charge of the French army in Italy by the royal family. More strangely, he was able to train an army that was starved, mentally sluggish and poor to form a top-notch fighting force, winning hundreds of battles, especially in the war to defeat the Italians.

After a series of surprising victories, Napoleon ascended the throne, quickly expanded the country and led troops to invade other countries such as Prussia (now Germany), Austria, Switzerland and Denmark.


There are still many mysteries surrounding Bonaparte and aliens.

” Perhaps, it was the microchip that enhanced his thinking and leadership abilities, helping Napoleon have extraordinary memory, a flexible mind, the ability to quickly read thoughts in his head for his secretary to take notes, and Read to many secretaries about different issues at once “, Dr. Dubois commented.

The microchip is also believed to be the main cause of Napoleon’s famous habit of placing his hand on his heart. Dubois said that the electromagnetic signals transmitted by the microchip affected Napoleon’s heart, causing a strong impact on the heart, causing mild pain.


Scientists can only predict that Emperor Napoleon was abducted by aliens in 1794 and performed a sophisticated transplant into his body, with the most world-historical influence. They followed and controlled Napoleon according to their will.

Since microchips were discovered, the scientific community began to doubt that conclusion. Conducting research on microchips, they discovered a very small wave that continuously transmits strange signals, affecting the human brain. It is possible that this wave affected Napoleon’s brain, causing him to always have mental problems, often acting excessively like suddenly getting angry and then becoming depressed.

President of the Republic of Kalmykia

Mr. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, President of the World Chess Federation (FIDE) and President of the Russian Republic of Kalmykia, once announced that he was abducted by aliens on the night of September 18, 1997.


According to the president, he was kidnapped by “aliens” and brought back to their spaceship. And Ilyumzhinov stayed there for many hours before he was brought back to the ground. Ilyumzhinov said he used Russian to communicate with them, but was unsuccessful. And he could only communicate with them through spiritual touch.

According to Ilyumzhinov, the aliens told him that they came to earth to collect samples. They avoid the vast majority of people on Earth because they are not yet prepared for relationships with people here.


In response to the above incident, congressman Andre Lebedev wrote a letter to President Medvedev to investigate because aliens may have taken a lot of confidential national information from Mr. Ilyumzhinov’s brain.

Whitby City Commissioner (UK)

In 2011, Mr. Simon Parkes, commissioner of the city of Whitby, England, confirmed that he was the father of a child, after having to regularly meet and have sexual relations with… aliens.


Mr. Parkes said he was taken into outer space by a person named Cat Queen and forced to have sex four times a year with this person.


As a result of their “intercourses” they had a child together, named Zarka. Parkes described his alien lover as a creature about 2.7 meters tall, with green skin and each limb having up to 8 fingers.

Travis Walton

Travis Walton from Arizona, USA is still haunted by the incident that happened to him 40 years ago, when he was a 22-year-old woodcutter.

Accordingly, on November 5, 1975, Walton and six other woodcutters were on their way home and suddenly saw a shiny flying saucer, 12 meters in diameter, flying in the air.


Walton ran out of cover to head towards the truck but was sucked into the air by a strong electric current. When he woke up, he found himself surrounded by alien creatures on their ship.

Walton saw the small creatures and he guessed they were scared so they left. Fifteen years later, it was discovered that the trees growing closest to where the UFO hovered produced wood fibers 85 times faster than they had 85 years earlier.

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