Nasa’s Curiosity rover discovered alien bones on Mars

Photos taken by the Curiosity rover during its journey to explore the surface of Mars have shown much evidence of the existence of Martians.

NASA lý giải về hình ảnh giống xương người trên sao Hỏa -

In the most recent discovery by astronomy enthusiasts, an object shaped like a human skeleton was recorded in Curiosity’s documentary images.

Khung hình toàn cảnh nơi có "bộ xương người sao Hỏa" được ghi lại bởi tàu Curiosity của NASA

According to Paranormal Crucible, a famous YouTube channel about astronomy with more than 100,000 followers, Martian traces found in a photo of Curiosity in June 2015 have a shape similar to human bones.

Accordingly, the Martian skeleton possesses a large skull with an ornament on its head. “It could be a sign that the skeleton found is that of a fallen king or warrior,” Paranormal Crucible commented.

Phân tích về "bộ xương" của Paranormal Crucible

UFOSightings Daily editor Scott C. Waring said this is a remarkable discovery, “which could change the entire world of biology and the way we understand Mars.”
Before that, people who were passionate about astronomy, space and theories about aliens also had a chance to stir up excitement. The markings are believed to be a message in Morse code captured in a photograph of the Martian surface.

. Các dấu hiệu được cho là một thông điệp ghi bằng mã Morse được ghi lại trong một bức ảnh chụp bề mặt sao Hỏa.

However, experts have refuted this rumor. “The dashes are actually just sand dunes formed by non-parallel two-way wind currents. The dots are formed when this process is interrupted.
Obviously, the “Mars bones” hypothesis will lead to major impacts if proven true.

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