Mysterious 5,500 year old ethnic relic at “Alien Mountain”

5m high rocks, engraved with mysterious drawings, are located deep in an uninhabited cave in Sri Lanka’s “Alien Mountain”, where UFOs are said to often appear.

A detailed study of the cave containing a series of mysterious stone engravings was revealed by a team of scientists from the Central Cultural Foundation (Sri Lanka) and the South Asia Astronomy and Earth Sciences Research unit. According to the authors, these hieroglyphic runes are 4,500 to 5,500 years old and were carved by a mysterious people who settled there during the Neolithic era.

Bí ẩn di chỉ tộc người 5.500 tuổi ở Núi Người Ngoài Hành Tinh - Ảnh 1.

The dates of the petroglyphs were inferred from evidence collected in burial pits, stone fragments, and small pieces of pottery. Carvings are very diverse: people, peacocks, dogs, plants, arrows, bows and other geometric signs. It cannot be ruled out that it is an early type of hieroglyphic ancient writing. Ancient people tried to engrave the cave, the largest engraving was up to 7.5 m long and 5 m high.

Dr. Aravinda Ravibhanu Sumanarathna, Executive Director of the South Asia Astronomy and Earth Sciences Research Unit, said that these other versions relate to some ancient religious practices and beliefs, and the same measuring system. The astrolabe has been lost.

Scientists also revealed that archaeological evidence shows that 300,000 years ago, Sri Lanka was settled by Paleolithic people. Alien Mountain alone was occupied 125,000 years ago.

Alien Mountian – Alien Mountian – is a famous landscape in Sri Lanka. This strange name comes from the continuous reports of UFOs (unidentified flying objects) appearing in the area.

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