Mysterious ∂єαтнs of UFO researchers

Many UFO researchers in the 70s and 80s d.i.ed in mysterious circumstances, some were even murdered.

This is the conclusion of astronomy researcher Timothy Hood, a former US Government advisor, reported at an international space conference in Amsterdam in mid-October. The report is based on 30 years of research on issues related to astronomers and cosmologists searching for extraterrestrial life, including UFO researchers. The report highlights a number of typical cases.

Famous American astronomer Morris K. Jessup, born in 1900, author of several best-selling books about extraterrestrial life, committed suicide on April 29, 1959. Mr. Jessup took his own life by closing all the doors of the house and starting the car engine to let out smoke, causing it to suffocate and die.

Professor James Edward McDonald, born in 1920, worked for many years as Director of the Institute of Earth Atmospheric Physics and had a long time researching UFOs. He committed suicide with a gunshot on June 13, 1971.

Milton William Cooper.

On November 5, 2001, William Milton Cooper, living in Yeager, Arizona, a famous UFO expert, who repeatedly accused the US Government of hiding the truth about UFOs, was shot and k.i.lled by police at his home. The reason mental illness experts believe is that Mr. Cooper suffers from paranoia. He bought a lot of weapons to build armed units to fight a secret alien government.

Police said that before he was k.i.lled, Mr. Cooper threatened to k.i.ll many civilians, believing that they were sent by the authorities to hunt him down. When police surrounded his farm, Cooper opened fire, seriously injuring one policeman, so he was shot and k.i.lled on the spot by another policeman.

Cái chết bí ẩn của các nhà nghiên cứu UFO

There is a list created by famous American writer Sidney Sheldon, also known as “Sheldon’s List”. The list became famous because in the literary work “The End of the World”, writer Sheldon recounted the mysterious ∂єαтнs of British experts participating in the weapons manufacturing program. space.

In October 1986, professor Arshad Sharif committed suicide by tying a rope to a tree branch, tying a noose on the other end, tying it around his neck, and driving away. A few days later, another London professor, Vimal Dazibay, jumped from Bristol Bridge. Both professors worked in a program to create electronic weapons for the British government, a program similar to America’s “Star War”.

In January 1987, another scientist, Avtar Singh-Guide, suddenly disappeared, and he was later declared dead. In February 1987, Peter Pippel was run over by a car right in his garage. In March 1987, David Sands committed suicide by crashing his car into a building. In April 1987, four experts developed strange ∂єαd space programs, one of whom, Mark Wiesner, hanged himself, Stuart Gooding was k.i.lled, David Greenhalgh fell into the river and Shani Warren drowned. That May, Michael Baker died in a car accident.

In total, in just a short period of time, up to 25 people working in the space industry d.i.ed for many unclear reasons.

Illustrative photo in a newspaper article about flying objects near the city of Roswell, USA in 1947. Photo:

Do the above ∂єαтнs described by the media as “strange” have anything to do with the UFO phenomenon? Scientists have observed decades ago that every time a UFO appears, there is a sudden increase in violent acts, mental panic, paranoid fear syndrome… but no one has ever proven it. I wonder if there is any credible connection between these strange phenomena and UFOs.

According to expert Timothy Hood, these ∂єαтнs are not completely random, but seem to be the actions of a special force that wants to k.i.ll experts to erase traces of the programs they participate in, because they know too many things.

In America, in the 70s and 80s of the 20th century, there were UFO research programs with code names such as “Blue Book”, “Aquarius”, “Area 51”, “Majestic 12 ” and Geipan. Although official information says that these programs are currently discontinued. But from time to time, information still appears in the press, causing public opinion to suspect that the US government is still hiding the truth about this program still quietly continuing.

However, some experts believe that the truth has nothing to do with aliens but is mainly military secrets, or it is just fake data to confuse public opinion.

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