Gobekli Tepe – Giant megalithic complex from ancient times and conspiracy theory built by aliens

When discovering the Gobekli Tepe complex in 1995, world researchers classified this place as the most mysterious and difficult to explain place in the world.

Located in southeastern Anatolia of Turkey, Göbekli Tepe was first discovered in 1963 by scientists at Istanbul University and the University of Chicago, and excavations were conducted in 1996 by German archaeologists. Klaus Schmidt.

Made from giant blocks of stone, Göbekli Tepe is a magical masterpiece and a challenge to scientists, when ancient people were able to build a monumental complex 10,000 years ago.

Mysterious prehistoric construction

The 10,000 years of existence of Gobekli Tepe is more than twice the length of the history of human civilization. For comparison, in 2250 BC, construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza had just been completed in Egypt.

Gobekli Tepe - Quần thể cự thạch khổng lồ từ thời cổ đại và thuyết âm mưu do người ngoài hành tinh xây dựng - Ảnh 1.

Recalling these timelines is especially important, because at 10,000 years BC, civilizations had never appeared on Earth. This means that humanity at that time did not have writing systems, tool inventions and mechanical inventions – essential elements in building great works like Gobekli Tepe.

Compared to the Great Pyramid of Giza, Gobekli Tepe hides even greater secrets. Prehistoric builders assembled square stone blocks weighing from 11 to 22 tons into giant pillars. Then, they moved the pillars from the rocky beach up to the hilltop area, a distance of 100 to 500 meters. To date, archaeologists have unearthed more than 200 giant pillars buried in the sand.

At this site, pillars were erected and other large stone blocks were arranged around them to form a circular structure surrounded by walls. In the center of the temple are placed the two tallest pillars facing the sky like antenna columns.

Gobekli Tepe - Quần thể cự thạch khổng lồ từ thời cổ đại và thuyết âm mưu do người ngoài hành tinh xây dựng - Ảnh 2.

On the body of the pillars are engraved many mysterious shapes and descriptions. World researchers have claimed a series of real events in human history have coincided with the prophetic carvings at Gobekli Tepe. It is estimated that only 5% of mysteries at Gobekli Tepe have been decoded while the remaining mysteries of this prehistoric structure still pose challenges to modern science.

Conspiracy theories about aliens

The most surprising thing is that some of the pillars used to build Gobekli Tepe weigh from 40 to 60 tons, causing headaches for scientists in predicting transportation and construction methods.

With today’s construction techniques, chiseling, transporting and constructing tens of tons of stone blocks is not a simple requirement. So how did the backward prehistoric people living in 10 thousand years BC be able to perform such a feat?

Gobekli Tepe - Quần thể cự thạch khổng lồ từ thời cổ đại và thuyết âm mưu do người ngoài hành tinh xây dựng - Ảnh 3.

According to the ’12th planet’ theory, there is a hypothesis about the existence of inhabitants of a mysterious planet located in the solar system. The inhabitants of the 12th planet have a flourishing civilization that discovered Earth in ancient times and they themselves left their mark by creating many great works.

Around the world today, there still exist many ancient structures made from giant blocks of stone, which are considered a characteristic feature of the construction style of the inhabitants of the 12th planet.

Supporters of the alien theory believe that the giant stone structures with towering peaks are used as a navigation system for flights from other planets to Earth. In addition to the hypothesis of intervention from an extraterrestrial civilization, other hypotheses are not really reasonable enough to be accepted by the majority.

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