300,000 alien treasures are hidden in the “death zone” of Earth

An AI has been used by Dutch scientists to create an “alien treasure map” in Antarctica, where 300,000 objects from space are said to be hidden.

According to Dr. Veronica Tollenaar from Delft University of Technology (Netherlands), artificial intelligence (AI) will help them create a “treasure map” with over 80% accuracy and guide excavations. beat the future.

300.000 báu vật ngoài hành tinh ẩn mình nơi tử địa của Trái Đất - Ảnh 1.

The map was created by calculating and balancing many parameters to determine areas where meteorites can be found with high probability. The data set includes satellite observations of temperature, ice flow rate, surface cover and the geometry of icy regions, which help predict meteorite-rich areas quite accurately.

Science Alert quoted the research team’s explanation: meteorites fall all over the world, but the Antarctic environment makes them easier to excavate. But searching for meteorites in an icy “death” area with the least life on Earth is a dangerous task, so a map is needed to guide the way.

Một tiểu hành tinh khổng lồ đang tiến gần về phía Trái đất

The research also helped calculate that there are more than 300,000 alien treasures still hidden across the frozen continent. The good news is that many “meteorite mines” are accidentally located near research stations that international scientists have established for many years.

300.000 báu vật ngoài hành tinh ẩn mình nơi tử địa của Trái Đất - Ảnh 2.

Antarctic meteorites can also offer the best quality in the world, because they are preserved in a “cold desert” environment, thus maintaining their purity and not being disturbed by animals. Meteorites landing in Antarctica may not stay still but be moved by glaciers, so Dutch scientists’ AI tool also relies on these factors to determine where meteorites are collected by glaciers. .

In some special spots like the Transantarctic Mountains, glaciers hit the mountains and send meteorites to the surface, which would be where scientists could go to collect large quantities.

Tiểu hành tinh thuộc nhóm nguy hiểm nhất tiếp cận Trái đất hôm nay

Meteorites often hide many interesting details about the history of the universe, of which some types of meteorites are also expected to explain our own origins.

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